Development projects
Development projects represent a combination of training, coaching, HR consulting in a specific period of time, with a specifically defined long-term goal of development. They are preceded by a detailed assessment of the companies’ or participants’ development needs. It includes also monitoring during and after the development process, as well as maintenance of the achieved effects. Although has led dozens of development projects, no two projects are the same. They depend on the starting point (current skills, attitudes, habits of participants and their environment) and the development goal (what needs to be improved to achieve the desired business success) that are different in each company. Consequently, the content, methodology, duration and dynamics, as well as the resources are different. Although these types of "tailor-made" projects can be applied to any area of development, is recognized as a partner for the development of managerial skills and the building of a leadership culture. In short, they are the safest and most cost-effective investment in your employees and your company.